Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is a diagnostic imaging procedure used to study the female reproductive system using contrast medium which is injected into the uterus and x-ray images are taken as the dye fills the uterus and fallopian tubes. Proper sterilization and disinfection protocols are essential to minimize the risk of introducing pathogens into the reproductive tract during the procedure. The purpose of this study was to investigate disinfection and sterilization practices of HSG equipment before HSG procedure in some hospitals in Cameroon. At the end of the study, collected data was compiled and analysed, the results showed 0% of proper sterilization was done for the equipment used, all the equipment were poorly disinfected with poorly made chemicals (sodium hypochlorite) solution (100%). Most of the equipment used were either about 80% stained or rusted. Based on the finding of this study, it was concluded that the practice of sterilization and disinfection of HSG equipment in Cameroon is poor, and there is need for improvements of the practice.