We analyze the location of the extreme northern jet of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current based on the measurements in cruise 79 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh to the region of the Drake Passage in February-March 2020. The jet occupies a position over the slope of Tierra del Fuego Island over a depth range of 400-600 m based on the measurements along four sections using the shipborne SADCP and CTD/LADCP casts. The width of this coastal jet is about 15-20 km. It penetrates to the depths of 200-300 m. The jet follows the direction of isobaths. Velocities in the jet reach 40 cm/s. It is likely that this jet is a local one and does not continue along the entire circle around Antarctica, but based on the satellite data of the absolute dynamical topography (ADT) this jet continues into the shallow region between Tierra del Fuego and Falkland Islands.