Hybrid acoustic prediction methods have an important advantage over the current Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes based methods in that they only involve modeling of the relatively universal subscale motion and not the configuration-dependent larger-scale turbulence. Unfortunately, they are unable to account for the high-frequency sound generated by the turbulence in the initial mixing layers. This paper introduces an alternative approach that directly calculates the sound from a hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes/large eddy simulation flow model (which can resolve the steep gradients in the initial mixing layers near the nozzle lip) and adopts modeling techniques similar to those used in current Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes based noise prediction methods to determine the unknown sources in the equations for the remaining unresolved components of the sound field. The resulting prediction method would then be intermediate between the current noise prediction codes and previously proposed hybrid noise prediction methods. Nomenclature c = speed of sound D 0 = modified convective derivative D j = spatial derivative operator D Dt = convective derivative f = dummy variable g a = adjoint vector Green's function g = vector Green's function h = enthalpy h 0 = stagnation enthalpy K = component of linear Euler operator L = linear Euler operator p = pressurê p = component of pressure determined by base flow R = ideal gas constant R ij = residual stress tensor s = residual source vector T = absolute temperature, large time interval t = time u i = generalized residual velocity variable V = integration over all space v = velocity vector v i = component of v, i 1, 2, 3 x = position vector (usually associated with the observation point in the Green's function formulas) x i = Cartesian component of x, i 1, 2, 3 y = position vector of source y i = Cartesian component of y, i 1, 2, 3 jl = correlation of instantaneous propagator = specific heat ratio j = instantaneous propagator j = instantaneous propagator = five-dimensional Kronecker delta = Dirac delta function = separation vector in residual stress correlations ij = base flow stress tensor @ = generalized spatial derivative 00 = far-field pressure autocovariance = generalized residual pressure variable = densitỹ j = base flow stress tensor 0 j = generalized Reynolds stress tensor = source point time variablê = base flow quantity, filtered quantitỹ = base flow quantity, Favre-filtered quantity = time average hi = arbitrary spatial filter Superscripts 0 = residual quantity, dummy integration variable 00 = component of residual motion driven by residual stress, dummy integration variable, and fluctuating quantity