The conduction velocity and histological structure of motoneurons innervating normal and hypertrophied rat plantaris muscles were investigated. Hypertrophy was produced by ablation of synergist muscles. Single motor units were obtained by ventral root dissection and conduction velocities measured. The structure of neurons was investigated following retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase. A combined silver, gold and cholinesterase staining method was developed to study the motor endplate. In addition, the peripheral nerve was fixed, embedded in Araldite, and sectioned for determination of axonal size and myelin thickness. Conduction velocity of motor axons decreased following hypertrophy of the skeletal muscle (control CV = 75.8 +/- 8.9 m s-1, n = 94, hypertrophy CV = 69.0 +/- 12.3 m s-1, n = 84). However, no alteration in the size of motor axons or myelin thickness could account for this alteration in conduction velocity. Mean motoneuronal soma size decreased following muscle hypertrophy (soma diameter: control 36.1 +/- 4.6 microns, n = 283, hypertrophy 32.9 +/- 4.5 microns, n = 294). The complexity of the motor endplate increased following hypertrophy with an increased occurrence of nodal sprouts. In addition, the area of cholinesterase staining increased following hypertrophy (control 588.1 +/- 297.2 microns 2, n = 269, hypertrophy 857.7 +/- 357.0 microns 2, n = 269). This study found that both the morphological and physiological parameters of motoneurons innervating a hypertrophied muscle were shifted toward those of normal rat slow motor units.