“…Electron transfer in plant mitochondria resembles in many respects that in animal mitochondria: (a) room temperature spectra show the presence of a-, b-, and c-type cytochromes, flavoproteins, and pyridine nucleotide (16-19, 24, 25, 40, 41, 46, 56, 60, 69, 87, 114); (b) both types of mitochondria contain salt extractable c-type cytochromes (60); (c) the most likely ubiqui none in both higher plant and mammalian mitochondria is ubiquinone-IO (12,39); (d) the morphology of plant mitochondria in electron photomicro graphs is very similar to that of animal mitochondria (10,18,30,31,37,48,59,79,85,86); (e) an oxygen electrode trace indicates the presence of five respiratory states (29) as defined for animal mitochondria (22, 47, 50-53, 59,75,76,83,87,95, 111, 114, 118, 123); (I) the apparent Kms for succinate, inorganic phosphate, and ADP are similar to those of several animal mito chondria (51); (g) many respiratory inhibitors and uncouplers function in IKUMA 90). In addition, plant mitochondria have been shown to contain DNA and RNA as in the case of animal mitochondria (7).…”