An early, spontaneous amber mutation in the lac i-gene allows translational reinitiation, which results in a mutant lac repressor. Comparison of the amino-terminal sequence of this mutant repressor with the partial amino-acid sequence of the wild-type lac repressor shows that reinitiation occurs at the first internal AUG codon, and results in a mutant protein lacking 42 residues at the amino-terminal end. This protein binds the inducer isopropyl-fl-D-thiogalactoside with normal affinity, and is capable of maintaining a tetrameric structure; however, it does not repress in vivo. These data suggest that the amino-terminal portion of the wildtype lac repressor is necessary either for direct binding to the lac operator or for the correct conformation for binding to DNA.The codon AUG functions as an initiation signal in protein biosynthesis (1). An AUG triplet occurring internally codes for the insertion of methionine; under normal conditions, no initiation occurs within a gene. However, internal initiation sites have been found in certain cistrons. These sites have little or no effect on the wild-type gene product, and function only in the presence of a nearby terminator codon, permitting the reinitiation of translation and the synthesis of a C-terminal fragment of the gene product. Once the site is made available by chain termination, initiation presumably occurs by the normal mechanism (2). Sarabhai and Brenner have described a reinitiation site in the rII-B cistron of bacteriophage T4; chain termination is required for this site to function in initiation (3). Both the nonsense fragment and a C-terminal fragment of the rII-B gene product are synthesized, and the insertion of frameshift mutations shows that reinitiation is independent of the phase between the nonsense codon and the starter site.Newton (4, 5), and Zipser and others (6-8) have found initiation sites within the z-gene of the lac operon in Escherichia coli. These have no effect during normal translation, and do not affect the gene product, jB-galactosidase. As in the rII-B cistron, however, chain termination close to one of these sites results in the synthesis of a reinitiated polypeptide, which is the C-terminal fragment of fl-galactosidase, that can be detected both in vivo and in vitro (8,9).These results demonstrate that internal initiation signals exist, and are able to function in protein biosynthesis under certain conditions. It is not known what information is necessary for initiation beyond the requirement for an initiating codon.In a genetic study to be described in a subsequent paper, we have demonstrated the existence of two natural reinitiation sites early in the i-gene of the lac operon of E. coli. We report here the characterization of a lac repressor polypeptide that arises by reinitiation at the earlier of these sites as the result of chain termination at an amber codon. To locate the site of reinitiation, we determined the sequence of the amino-terminal regions of the mutant and wild-type repressors. Our results imply that rei...