ABSTRACT. The first part of the paper contains some ideas of the density topologies in the measurable spaces. The second part is devoted to the difference between measure and category for the abstract density space related to the separation axioms.Let X be a nonempty set, A ⊂ 2 X be an arbitrary family of sets, and Φ be an operator such thatIf the family T Φ = A ∈ A : A ⊂ Φ(A) is a topology, then we say that the topology T Φ is generated by the operator Φ.Let (X, S, J ) be a measurable space, where S is the σ-algebra and J ⊂ S is the proper σ-ideal. The fact that for any sets A, B ∈ S we have A△B ∈ J will be denoted by A ∼ B.Ò Ø ÓÒ 1º We shall say that a topology τ on X is the abstract density topology on (X, S, J ), if there exists a lower density operator Φ : S → S such that T Φ = τ. Ò Ø ÓÒ 2º An operator Φ : S → S is called the lower density operator on (X, S, J ) if:The following states when a topology τ is the abstract density topology.