This paper investigates the achievable rates of an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) energy-harvesting (EH) channel with an infinite battery. The EH process is characterized by a sequence of blocks of harvested energy, which is known causally at the source. The harvested energy remains constant within a block while the harvested energy across different blocks is characterized by a sequence of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. The blocks have length L, which can be interpreted as the coherence time of the energy arrival process. If L is a constant or grows sublinearly in the blocklength n, we fully characterize the first-order term in the asymptotic expansion of the maximum transmission rate subject to a fixed tolerable error probability ε. The first-order term is known as the ε-capacity. In addition, we obtain lower and upper bounds on the second-order term in the asymptotic expansion, which reveal that the second order term scales as L n for any ε less than 1/2. The lower bound is obtained through analyzing the save-and-transmit strategy. If L grows linearly in n, we obtain lower and upper bounds on the εcapacity, which coincide whenever the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the EH random variable is continuous and strictly increasing. In order to achieve the lower bound, we have proposed a novel adaptive save-and-transmit strategy, which chooses different save-and-transmit codes across different blocks according to the energy variation across the blocks.1 If the constraint E[E 3 1 ] < +∞ is replaced with the less stringent one E[E 2 1 ] < +∞, all the achievability results in this paper continue to hold. In fact, the only place that requires E[E 3 1 ] < +∞ is the use of the Berry-Esséen theorem in Section VI-B in the course of proving the converse of Theorem 1.