In this letter we explore the perspectives for canonical simulations in the worldline formulation of a lattice field theory. Using the charged φ 4 field in two dimensions as an example we present the details of the canonical formulation based on worldlines and outline algorithmic strategies for canonical worldline simulations. We discuss the steps for converting the data from the canonical approach to the grand canonical picture which we use for cross-checking our results. The canonical approach presented here can easily be generalized to other lattice field theories with a worldline representation.
Introductory remarksImplementing a clean ab-initio calculation of lattice QCD at finite density is one of the great open challenges in the field. The reason for the difficulties is the fact that at non-zero chemical potential µ the action S becomes complex and the Boltzmann factor exp(−S) cannot be used as a weight factor in a Monte Carlo simulation. Among the different approaches for overcoming that so-called complex action problem are canonical simulations where one works at fixed net baryon number, i.e., at a fixed density. The key challenge for implementing the canonical strategy in QCD is the projection to the desired quark or baryon number: in the conventional path integral representation the quark number is not an integer valued observable and the fermion determinant has to be decomposed into temporal winding classes for the gauge loops it consists of. Various strategies for that task can be found in the literature. They either use different expansions of the fermion determinant or Fourier transformation of the determinant with respect to imaginary chemical potential (see [1] for some examples). However, so far the results for canonical lattice QCD are restricted to small volumes and low densities [1].In recent years an alternative formulation based on worldlines was found and explored for several lattice field theories (see [2] for reviews given at the yearly lattice conference series on that topic). In the worldline (or dual) formulation the partition function Z is exactly rewritten in terms of new variables, such that Z becomes a sum over configurations of worldlines. The corresponding weights for the worldline configurations are real and positive also at non-zero chemical potential and the complex action problem is overcome completely in such a worldline representation.