Let G be a Lie group with Lie algebra g, h ∈ g an element for which the derivation ad h defines a 3-grading of g and τG an involutive automorphism of G inducing on g the involution e πi ad h . We consider antiunitary representations (U, H) of the Lie group Gτ = G ⋊ {1, τG} for which the positive cone CU = {x ∈ g : − i∂U (x) ≥ 0} and h span g. To a real subspace E ⊆ H −∞ of distribution vectors invariant under exp(Rh) and an open subset O ⊆ G, we associate the real subspaceFor the real standard subspace V ⊆ H, for which JV = U (τG) is the modular conjugation and ∆ −it/2π V = U (exp th) is the modular group, we obtain sufficient conditions to be of the form H E (S) for an open subsemigroup S ⊆ G. If g is semisimple with simple hermitian ideals of tube type, we verify these criteria and obtain nets of cyclic subspaces H E (O), O ⊆ G, satisfying the Bisognano-Wichmann property in a suitable sense. Our construction also yields such nets on simple Jordan space-times and compactly causal symmetric spaces of Cayley type. By second quantization, these nets lead to free quantum fields in the sense of Haag-Kastler on causal homogeneous spaces whose groups are generated by modular groups and conjugations.