Delamination or interlaminar fracture often occurs in composite laminate due to several factors such as high interlaminar stress, stress concentration, impact stress as well as imperfections in manufacturing processes. In this study, finite element (FE) simulation of mode I delamination in double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen of carbon fiber/epoxy laminate HTA/6376C is investigated using cohesive zone model (CZM). 3D geometry of DCB specimen is developed in ANSYS Mechanical software and 8-node interface elements with bi-linear formulation are employed to connect the upper and lower parts of DCB. Effect of variation of number of elements on the laminate critical force is particularly examined. The mesh variation includes coarse, fine, and finest mesh. Simulation results show that the finest mesh needs to be employed to produce an accurate assessment of laminate critical force, which is compared with the one obtained from exact solution. This study hence addresses suitable number of elements as a reference to be used for 3D simulation of delamination progress in the composite laminate, which is less explored in existing studies of delamination of composites so far.