Study, analysis and determination of buckling load in dual gauge tracks through analytical and numerical methods
Ignacio Villalba SanchisPág. 4
Study, analysis and determination of buckling load in dual gauge tracks through analytical and numerical methodsPág. 5
TESIS DOCTORALStudy, analysis and determination of buckling load in dual gauge tracks through analytical and numerical methods Estudio, análisis y determinación de la carga de pandeo en vías de doble ancho mediante métodos analíticos y numéricos Si yo hubiera inventado el ferrocarril no habría consentido que nadie montara en él sin mi permiso.
Gustave FlaubertStudy, analysis and determination of buckling load in dual gauge tracks through analytical and numerical methods
Ignacio Villalba SanchisPág. 8
EXPOSITION AND SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESISConventional railway track is the structure consisting of the ballast or slab track, upon which sleepers, fasteners and two rails are laid, allowing the passage of trains equipped with a certain gauge. Due that trains cannot pass from a line with one track gauge to another (only possible where the difference between the two gauges is small), track gauge is a dominant parameter determining interoperability, used as a descriptor of a route or network. Where trains encounter a different gauge, a break-of-gauge occurs, which entails delays, costs, and inconveniences. This new track structure is an important modification of the classical rail track with two rails and one gauge. In addition, long stretches of dual gauge tracks have not been implemented yet, so it is necessary to develop new methodologies and studies to understand its behaviour. Specifically, with the use of continuous welded rails, variations in rail temperature produce compression stresses that, under certain circumstances, can led to dangerous lateral track displacements and train derailment.With that motivation, this PhD Thesis is focused on an appropriate theoretical framework for conducting a study that evaluates the potential risk of buckling in dual gauge tracks. To accomplish this task, different methods and techniques in order to improve the knowledge of this phenomenon and track design. This approach will allow us to establish track conditions and maintenance works that ensures the stability of the dual gauge track under thermal and train loads. In addition, a risk based methodology allows us to revise and redefine conventional track design methods in order to increase track stability under thermal loads..
Study, analysis and determination of buckling load in dual gauge tracks through analytical and numerical methodsPág. 9
PLANTEAMIENTO Y RESUMEN DE LA TESIS DOCTORALLa superestructura de vía clásica está compuesta por una serie de capas portantes en las que se sitúan las traviesas o losas de hormigón y sobre las cuales se disponen 2 carriles que permiten la circulación de los vehículos, en base a su utilización con un único ancho de vía. Debido a que los vehículos ferroviarios no pueden circular desde una línea con un ancho...