The aim of this present study is to analyze numerically the buckling behavior of cracked thin bi-material structures subjected to compression and tensile stresses and this, by considering the evolution of crack lengths and its orientations at the interface. This research work allows to quantify numerically the buckling phenomenon which can affects the thin plates for both cases, with and without interface crack especially, when the plate is subjected to tensile loading. The main important results of numerical simulations show that for the case of compression loading, the presence of interfacial crack increases significantly the strength of the thin plate against buckling phenomena. In the other hand, thin crack plates buckling is more pronounced when the crack tip is close to the interface (θ = 90°, θ = 75°). Finally, unlike to the case of homogeneous thin plates, the incorporation of bi-material aspect in thin plates design offers more strength against buckling either for compression or tensile loading.