The enhanced patch test proposed by Chen W J (2006) can be used to assess the convergence of the problem with non-homogeneous differential equations. Based on this theory, we establish the patch test function for axisymmetric elements of conventional and couple stress theories, and reach an important conclusion that the patch test function for axisymmetric elements cannot contain non-zero constant shear.axisymmetric element, non-homogeneous differential equations, couple stress theory, test function of patch testIn finite element analysis, patch test has been used as criteria for assessing the convergence of the finite elements. The theory of patch test has been well developed [1] . However, the applications of the existing patch test are limited in the 2D/3D elasticity and thin plate problem with homogeneous differential equations. In addition, the phenomenon of zero shear stress in the patch test for conventional axisymmetric elements needs to be addressed. There is also need for establishing the patch test for micro couple stress/strain gradient finite element.In order to use patch test to assess the convergence of the element, the first step is to determine the patch test function. The patch test function for constant stress element is straightforward. For example, for 2D elasticity, u=a 1 +a 2 x+a 3 y, v=b 1 +b 2 x+b 3 y; for 3D elasticity, u=a 1 + a 2 x+a 3 y+a 4 z, v=b 1 +b 2 x+b 3 y+b 4 z, w=c 1 +c 2 x+c 3 y+c 4 z; for thin plate problem, 2 1 2 3 4 5 w a a x a y a x a xy = + + + + + 2 6 , a y where , , ( 1 4) i i i a b c i = … are arbitrary constants.The above patch test functions related to constant stress state satisfy the equilibrium equations respectively. In the finite element research of the axisymmetric element, lots of work are involved in how to do the patch test. However, majority of these previously proposed patch tests are performed by applying simple external forces. There has been no comprehensive and through study from the patch test function perspective. Currently, the patch test function for C 1 continuity couple stress axisymmetric element does not exist. The usage of linear displacement functions as patch test function for axisymmetric problem does not guarantee the satisfaction of patch test even for conforming elements. To improve this situation, Chen and Cheung [2] proposed new patch test function for axisymmetric problems. Based on weighted Sobolev spaces, Gao and Chen further established the convergence criterion for axisymmetric nonconforming elements, as well as generalized patch test and the function of the patch test [3,4] . The governing equations for axisymmetric problems in cylindrical coordinate are nonhomogeneous differential equations. The enhanced patch test function proposed in ref.[5] can be used in nonhomogeneous differential equations. The enhanced patch test method utilizes the dis-