Summary. We consider operator equations of the form Lu = f, where L belongs to the class ~ of linear, bounded (by a constant M) and coercive (with a constant m) operators from a Hilbert space V onto its dual V* and f belongs to a Hilbert space Wc V*. We study optimality of the Galerkin method P* Lu. = P* f, where u. ~ V,, V. is subspace of V, P. is the orthogonal projector onto V. and P* is dual to P.. We show that the Galerkin method is quasi optimal independently of the choice of the subspace V. and the space W if M>m. In the case M=m, optimality of this method depends strongly on the choice of V. and W. Therefore we define a new algorithm which is always optimal (independently of the choice of V~ and Wand relations between M and m).