Characterization of the failure behavior of microcapsules is extremely important to control the release of their core actives by mechanical forces. The strain and stress of elastic-plastic uninflated core-shell microcapsules at failure (rupture or bursting) has been determined using finite element modeling (FEM) and micromanipulation compression experiments. The ductile failure of polymeric microcapsules at high deformations is considered to occur when the maximum strain in the shell exceeds a critical strain, resulting in their rupture. FEM has been used to determine the maximum strains present in the capsule wall at different deformations for three types of shell material: elastic, elastic-perfectly plastic and elasticperfectly plastic with strain hardening at large strains. The results obtained were used to determine the failure strain and stress of melamine-formaldehyde microcapsules, with average population values of $0.48 and $350 MPa, respectively. Thus, the elastic-plastic stress-strain relationship has been determined for the core-shell microcapsules tested. Figure 3. Log-linear plot of maximum von Mises stress (closed symbols) and strain H max (open symbols) in a fully elastic microcapsule (h/r 5 0.62%) vs. fractional deformation.Results from Smith et al. 17 are for inflated core-shell spheres with different initial stretch ratios (SR), shown for comparison.Continuous lines represent H max , the largest of the three plane strains at each fractional deformation. H max for the fully elastic scenario is shown for comparison. Inset shows the position of the most strained nodes as described in Figure 4b.Points are the results for the conditions of Figure 11, with the following best-fitted equation: F/r Y rh ¼ 1.945 þ 1.12 Â 10 À15 exp(48.5) þ 0.0143exp(10.29) for 0.3 \ \ 0.75.