Abstract. Fujita's second theorem for Kähler fibre spaces over a curve asserts that the direct image V of the relative dualizing sheaf splits as the direct sum V = A ⊕ Q, where A is ample and Q is unitary flat. We focus on our negative answer ([9]) to a question by Fujita: is V semiample?We give here an infinite series of counterexamples using hypergeometric integrals and we give a simple argument to show that the monodromy representation is infinite. Our counterexamples are surfaces of general type with positive index, explicitly given as abelian coverings with group (Z/n) 2 of a Del Pezzo surface of degree 5 (branched on a union of lines forming a bianticanonical divisor), and endowed with a semistable fibration with only 3 singular fibres.The simplest such surfaces are the three ball quotients considered in [3], fibred over a curve of genus 2, and with fibres of genus 4.These examples are a larger class than the ones corresponding to Shimura curves in the moduli space of Abelian varieties.