It is known that connected translation invariant n-dimensional noncommutative differentials dx i on the algebra k[x 1 , ⋯, x n ] of polynomials in n-variables over a field k are classified by commutative algebras V on the vector space spanned by the coordinates. This data also applies to construct differentials on the Heisenberg algebra 'spacetime' with relations [x µ , x ν ] = λΘ µν where Θ is an antisymmetric matrix as well as to Lie algebras with pre-Lie algebra structures. We specialise the general theory to the field k = F 2 of two elements, in which case translation invariant metrics (i.e. with constant coefficients) are equivalent to making V a Frobenius algebras. We classify all of these and their quantum Levi-Civita bimodule connections for n = 2, 3, with partial results for n = 4. For n = 2 we find 3 inequivalent differential structures admitting 1,2 and 3 invariant metrics respectively. For n = 3 we find 6 differential structures admitting 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 invariant metrics respectively. We give some examples for n = 4 and general n. Surprisingly, not all our geometries for n ≥ 2 have zero quantum Riemann curvature. Quantum gravity is normally seen as a weighted 'sum' over all possible metrics but our results are a step towards a deeper approach in which we must also 'sum' over differential structures. Over F 2 we construct some of our algebras and associated structures by digital gates, opening up the possibility of 'digital geometry'.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 81R50, 58B32, 83C57.