Using oriented matroids, and with the help of a computer, we have found a set of 10 points in R 4 not projectively equivalent to the vertices of a convex polytope. This result confirms a conjecture of Larman [6] in dimension 4. c 2001 Academic Press PROBLEM (McMullen [6]). Determine the largest integer n = f (d) such that for any given n points in general position in R d there is an admissible projective transformation mapping these points onto the vertices of a convex polytope.Here admissible means that none of the n points is sent to infinity by the projective transformation.For dimension two and three the numbers f (d) are known: f (2) = 5 and f (3) = 7. For d ≥ 2, Larman has established in [6] the bounds 2dby Las Vergnas [7], as a corollary of Redei's theorem for tournaments. Recently, Ramírez Alfonsín [8] has proven the linear upper bound f (d) ≤ 5d/2 + 1, by a construction using Lawrence oriented matroids (unions of rank 1 oriented matroids).In the context of oriented matroids the problem can be conveniently restated in terms of hyperplanes. We refer the reader to [1] for information regarding oriented matroid theory. As easily seen, the oriented matroids of the images of a given configuration of points by admissible projective tranformations are all the acyclic reorientations of the oriented matroid defined by the affine dependencies of the configuration. The dual of a configuration of points is an arrangement of hyperplanes, and the regions defined by this arrangement are in 1-1 correspondence with the acyclic reorientations of the oriented matroid. We say that a region which meets all hyperplanes in dimension d − 1 is complete. It is almost immediate to verify that a region is complete if and only if all corresponding admissible projective transformations maps the given n points onto the set of vertices of convex polytopes (note that these convex polytopes necessarily have the same oriented matroid).Hence the McMullen problem is equivalent to: determine the largest integer n = f (d) such that any arrangement of n hyperplanes in general position in R d contains a complete region.The same problem for general oriented matroids has been considered by Cordovil and Da Silva [4]: determine the largest integer n = g(r ) such that any uniform rank r oriented matroid M with n elements has a complete region. A region (or tope) of an oriented matroid is a region determined by the pseudohyperplanes of its topological representation. The regions of an oriented matroid are in 1-1 correspondence with its maximal covectors, and a region is complete if and only if changing the sign of any element in the corresponding maximal covector produces another maximal covector. Obviously g(r ) ≤ f (r + 1). Cordovil and Da Silva have shown in [4] that 2r − 1 ≤ g(r ), generalizing Larman's lower bound.In this paper, we construct uniform rank 5 oriented matroids on 10 elements without complete region, hence, g(5) = 9. One of these oriented matroids has a realization in R 4 , hence f (4) = 9. † C.N.R.S., Paris.