We calculate universal finite-size scaling functions for systems with an n-component order parameter and algebraically decaying interactions. Just as previously found for short-range interactions, this leads to a singular expansion, where is the distance to the upper critical dimension. Subsequently, we check the results by numerical simulations of spin models in the same universality class. Our systems offer the essential advantage that can be varied continuously, allowing an accurate examination of the region where is small. The numerical calculations turn out to be in striking disagreement with the predicted singularity.
͓S1063-651X͑99͒00612-1͔PACS number͑s͒: 05.70. Jk, 64.60.Ak, 64.60.Fr In order to analyze numerical results obtained by Monte Carlo or transfer-matrix studies of phase transitions and critical phenomena, finite-size scaling ͓1͔ is a very widely used technique. This hypothesis, which was properly formulated for the first time by Fisher ͓2͔, allows the extrapolation of properties of finite systems, which do not exhibit a phase transition, to the thermodynamic limit. In 1982, Brézin ͓3͔ achieved a breakthrough by showing that finite-size scaling laws can actually be derived from renormalization-group ͑RG͒ theory, provided that the RG equations are not singular at the fixed point. This implies a breakdown of finite-size scaling for dimensionalities dу4, and consequently an expansion of the finite-size scaling functions in powers of ϭ4Ϫd is singular at ϭ0. This rather surprising result was confirmed by explicit calculations for the n-vector model in the large-n limit. In addition, it follows from Ref. ͓3͔ that the finite-size scaling relation for the free energy is a universal function depending only on two nonuniversal metric factors, without an additional nonuniversal prefactor. This result was derived from different arguments by Privman and Fisher ͓4͔, and subsequently confirmed analytically for the spherical model ͓5͔. Pioneering work ͓6,7͔ then showed that a fieldtheoretic calculation of finite-size scaling functions is actually possible. Specifically, Brézin and Zinn-Justin ͓6͔ developed a systematic expansion for these functions. Unlike the standard expansion in powers of for critical exponents and scaling functions of bulk properties, one finds, for a fully finite geometry, an expansion in powers of ͱ . More recently, Esser et al. ͓8͔ introduced a promising perturbation approach at fixed d which is applicable below the critical temperature as well. However, here we focus on the expansion in and in particular on the singular nature of this expansion.The systems under consideration have an n-component order parameter with O(n) symmetry and periodic boundary conditions. A quantity of central interest is the amplitude Given the low order of the expansion and the fact that it can only be checked for integer values of , hardly any conclusions can be drawn from a comparison to numerical results, and any confirmation of the singular nature of the expansion will have to wait until the RG calculat...