We present an analytically solvable theory of Bose-Einstein condensation in thin film geometries. Analytical closed-form expressions for the critical temperature are obtained in both the low-tomoderate confinement regime (where the film thickness L is in the order of microns) as well as in the strong confinement regime where the thickness is in the order of few nanometers or lower. The possibility of high-temperature BEC is predicted in the strong confinement limit, with a square-root divergence of the critical temperature Tc ∼ L −1/2 . For cold Bose gases, this implies an enhancement up to two orders of magnitude in Tc for films on the nanometer scale. Analytical predictions are also obtained for the heat capacity and the condensate fraction. A new law for the heat capacity of the condensate, i.e. C ∼ T 2 , is predicted for nano-scale films, which implies a different λ-point behavior with respect to bulk systems, while the condensate fraction is predicted to follow a [1 − (T /Tc) 2 ] law.