We study the critical behavior of the diluted antiferromagnet in a field with the tethered Monte Carlo formalism. We compute the critical exponents (including the elusive hyperscaling violations exponent θ). Our results provide a comprehensive description of the phase transition and clarify the inconsistencies between previous experimental and theoretical work. To do so, our method addresses the usual problems of numerical work (large tunneling barriers and self-averaging violations). Understanding collective behavior in the presence of quenched disorder has long been one of the most challenging and interesting problems in statistical mechanics. One of its simplest representatives is the random field Ising model (RFIM), which has been extensively studied both theoretically and experimentally.
DOI1 The RFIM is physically realized by a diluted antiferromagnet in an applied magnetic field (DAFF).It is known that the D = 3 DAFF (or RFIM) undergoes a phase transition, but the details remain controversial, with severe inconsistencies between analytical, experimental, and numerical work. A scaling theory is generally accepted, where the dimension D of the system is replaced by D − θ in the hyperscaling relation. This third independent critical exponent, believed to be θ ≈ 1.5, is inaccessible both to a direct experimental measurement and to traditional Monte Carlo methods.The values of the remaining critical exponents, seemingly more straightforward, are also controversial. On the experimental front, different ansätze for the scattering line shape yield mutually incompatible estimates of the thermal critical exponent, namely, ν = 0.87 (7) On the other hand, the numerical determination of ν has steadily shifted, the most precise estimate being 1.37(9), 5 inconsistent with the experimental values and barely compatible with α ≈ 0. The value of α itself is very hard to measure in a numerical simulation.
6More fundamentally, the smallness of the magnetic exponent β, combined with the numerical observation of metastability, 7 has led some authors to suggest that the transition in the DAFF may be of first order.Ultimately, the physical reasons for this confusion betray the fact that the traditional tools of statistical mechanics are ill suited to systems with rugged free-energy landscapes. Both experimentally and numerically, the system gets trapped in local minima, with escape times that grow as log τ ∼ ξ θ (ξ is the correlation length). This not only makes it exceedingly hard to thermalize the system, but also generates a rare-events statistics, causing self-averaging violations. 8 In this Rapid Communication we study the DAFF with the tethered Monte Carlo (TMC) formalism.9 Our approach restores self-averaging and is able to negotiate the free-energy barriers of the DAFF to equilibrate large systems safely. It also provides direct access to the key parameter θ . We thus obtain a comprehensive picture of the phase transition, consistent both with analytical results for the RFIM and with experiments on the DAFF, and shed lig...