We prove that some basic aspects of gravity commonly attributed to the modern connection-based approaches, can be reached naturally within the usual Riemannian geometry-based approach, by assuming the independence between the metric and the connection of the background manifold. These aspects are: 1) the BFlike field theory structure of the Einstein-Hilbert action, of the cosmological term, and of the corresponding equations of motion; 2) the formulation of Maxwellian field theories using only the Riemannian connection and its corresponding curvature tensor, and the subsequent unification of gravity and gauge interactions in a four dimensional field theory; 3) the construction of four and three dimensional geometrical invariants in terms of the Riemann tensor and its traces, particularly the formulation of an anomalous Chern-Simons topological model where the action of diffeomorphisms is identified with the action of a gauge symmetry, close to Witten's formulation of threedimensional gravity as a Chern-Simon gauge theory. 4) Tordions as propagating and non-propagating fields are also formulated in this approach. This new formulation collapses to the usual one when the metric connection is invoked, and certain geometrical structures very known in the traditional literature can be identified as remanent structures in this collapse.