We consider an approximation procedure to evaluate the finite-temperature one-loop fermionic density in the presence of a chiral background field which systematically incorporates effects from inhomogeneities in the chiral field through a derivative expansion. Modifications in the effective potential and their consequences for the bubble nucleation process are discussed.
Keywords: Chiral symmetry breakingThe mechanism of chiral symmetry breaking and the study of the dynamics of phase conversion after a temperaturedriven chiral transition can be done conveniently within lowenergy effective models [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. In particular, to study the mechanisms of bubble nucleation and spinodal decomposition in a hot expanding plasma [10], it is common to adopt the linear σ-model coupled to quarks [11]. The gas of quarks provides a thermal bath in which the long-wavelength modes of the chiral field evolve, and the latter plays the role of an order parameter in a Landau-Ginzburg approach to the description of the chiral phase transition. The standard procedure is then integrating over the fermionic degrees of freedom, using a classical approximation for the chiral field, to obtain a formal expression for the thermodynamic potential from which one can obtain all the physical quantities of interest.To compute correlation functions and thermodynamic quantities, one has to evaluate the fermionic determinant that results from the functional integration over the quark fields within some approximation scheme. Usually one performs a standard one-loop calculation assuming a homogeneous and static background field [12]. Nevertheless, for a system that is in the process of phase conversion after a chiral transition, one expects inhomogeneities in the chiral field configuration due to fluctuations to play a major role in driving the system to the true ground state. In fact, for high-energy heavy ion collisions, hydrodynamical studies have shown that significant density inhomogeneities may develop dynamically when the chiral transition to the broken symmetry phase takes place [6], and inhomogeneities generated during the late stages of the nonequilibrium evolution of the order parameter might leave imprints on the final spatial distributions and even on the integrated, inclusive abundances [13].In this paper we briefly describe an approximation procedure to evaluate the finite-temperature fermionic density in the presence of a chiral background field, which systematically incorporates effects from inhomogeneities in the bosonic field through a gradient expansion. (For details, see Ref. [14].) The method is valid for the case in which the chiral field varies smoothly, and allows one to extract information from its long-wavelength behavior, incorporating corrections order by order in the derivatives of the field. For simplicity, we ignore corrections coming from bosonic fluctuations in what follows. Those would result in a bosonic determinant correction to the effective potential [15]. To focus on the effect of an inhomogeneou...