We study, to one loop order, the behavior of the gluon self-energy in the non covariant Coulomb gauge at finite temperature. The cancellation of the peculiar energy divergences, which arise in such a gauge, is explicitly verified in the complete two point function of the Yang-Mills theory. At high temperatures, the leading T 2 term is determined to be transverse and nonlocal, in agreement with the results obtained in covariant gauges. The coefficient of the sub-leading ln(T ) contribution, is non transverse but local and coincides (up to a multiplicative constant) with that of the ultraviolet pole term of the zero temperature amplitude.In thermal field theory, one is often interested in the contributions which arise from the region where the loop momenta are of the same order as the temperature T , with T much larger than all the masses and external momenta [1,2,3,4,5]. Such hard thermal loop contributions determine the leading gauge invariant terms of the amplitudes at high temperature, which 1