The sit-to-stand movement is a key feature for wide adoption of powered lower limb orthoses for patients with complete paraplegia. In this paper we study the control of the ascending phase of the sit-to-stand movement for a minimally actuated powered lower limb orthosis at the hips. First, we generate a pool of finite horizon Linear Quadratic Regulator feedback gains, designed under the assumption that we can control not only the torque at the hips but also the loads at the shoulders that in reality are applied by the user. Next we conduct reachability analysis to define a performance metric measuring the robustness of each controller against parameter uncertainty, and choose the best controller from the pool with respect to this metric. Then, we replace the presumed shoulder control with an Iterative Learning Control algorithm as a substitute for human experiments. Indeed this algorithm obtains torque and forces at the shoulders that result in successful simulations of the sit-to-stand movement, regardless of parameter uncertainty and factors deliberately introduced to hinder learning. Thus it is reasonable to expect that the superior cognitive skills of real users will enable them to cooperate with the hip torque controller through training.
I. IPowered Lower Limb Orthoses (PLLOs) are medical devices worn in parallel to the legs to assist standing and/or walking. State of the art PLLOs for people with paraplegia (≈ 114, 000 individuals in the USA [1]) are commercially known as medical exoskeletons. Their users must have healthy enough skeletal, cardiovascular, vestibular, and visual systems to tolerate standing, as well as mobility in hands, arms, and shoulders to interact with the ground by means of crutches. The majority of exoskeletons are equipped with actuation at the hips and knees [2]-[6], but the most affordable [7] uses a minimally actuated architecture where torque is exclusively applied at the hips [8]. In addition gait cycles on level ground with this design look more natural than those of its competitors. However, it is more difficult for users with complete paraplegia to perform the sit-to-stand (STS) movement, which is the sequence of actions for rising from a chair.The STS movement is executed in three distinctive phases: preparation, ascension, and stabilization, as illustrated in Figure 1. The ascension phase (Figure 1b) starts at seat-off and ends when the links of the shanks and thighs segments almost align with the vertical, and the torso has a slight forward tilt, with all angular velocities close to zero in order to facilitate stabilization about the standing position. It is the most challenging phase because of the greater ranges of joint motion, torques, and forces involved. It also requires precise coordination between the actuators of the PLLO and the loads applied by the upper limbs of the user to avoid sit-back or step failures [9]. This paper makes two main contributions. First, it provides a performance metric to quantify the robustness against parameter uncertainty of a controlle...