An unsteady cavitation model in liquid hydrogen flow is studied in the context of compressible, two-phase, one-fluid inviscid solver. This is accomplished by applying three conservation laws for mixture mass, mixture momentum and total energy along with gas volume fraction transport equation, with thermodynamic effects. Various mass transfers between phases are utilized to study the process under consideration. A numerical procedure is presented for the simulation of cavitation due to rarefaction and shock waves. Attention is focused on cavitation in which the simulated fluid is liquid hydrogen in cryogenic conditions. Numerical results are in close agreement with theoretical solutions for several test cases. The current numerical results show that liquid hydrogen flow can be accurately modeled using an accurate inviscid approach to describe the features of thermodynamic effects on cavitation.Keywords: Two-phase flow; heat and mass transfer; liquid and hydrogen, cavitation; homogeneous model; splitting techniques, inviscid simulation.
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Biographical notes: Eric Goncalvès is a Professor in the Aeronautical EngineeringSchool ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France. Currently, he is the head of the Department Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics. His research interests are related to the modelling and the simulation of flows for which the density is variable such as compressible flow, two-phase flow and cavitation. Recent work include shock wave boundary layer interaction, thermal effects in cavitation and investigation of three-dimensional effects on cavitation pocket. Dia Zeidan is currently a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the School of Basic Sciences and Humanities at the German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan. His expertise is in the mathematical modelling and numerical simulations of multiphase fluid flow problems. Recent work also includes hyperbolicity and conservativity resolution related to two-phase flows equations in the context of the Riemann problem and simulations of such flows over a wide range of non-equilibrium behaviours.