Let g = g0 + g1 be a basic Lie superalgebra over C, and e a minimal nilpotent element in g0. Set W ′ χ to be the refined W -superalgebra associated with the pair (g, e), which is called a minimal W -superalgebra. In this paper we present a set of explicit generators of minimal W -superalgebras and the commutators between them. In virtue of this, we show that over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p ≫ 0, the lower bounds of dimensions in the modular representations of basic Lie superalgebras with minimal nilpotent pcharacters are attainable. Such lower bounds are indicated in [31] as the super Kac-Weisfeiler property.1.2. The theory of finite W -superalgebras was developed in the same time. In the work of Sole and Kac [26], finite W -superalgebras were defined in terms of BRST cohomology under the background of vertex algebras and quantum reduction. The theory of finite W -superalgebras for the queer Lie superalgebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 2 was first introduced and discussed by Wang and Zhao in [32], then studied by Zhao over the field of complex numbers in [36]. The topics on finite W -superalgebras attracted many researchers, and the structure theory of W -superalgebras is developed in various articles (cf. [2], [3], [17], [18], [19] and [20], etc.).In mathematical physics, W -(super)algebras are divided into four types: classical affine, classical finite, quantum affine, and quantum finite W -(super)algebras. These types of algebras are endowed with Poisson vertex algebras, Poisson algebras, vertex algebras, and associative algebras structures, respectively. In the present paper, finite W -superalgebras will be referred to the so-called quantum finite W -(super)algebras.