“…Assume further that (L, J) is «-connected and the inclusion / =» L is a domination rel K. One easily shows that the inclusion-induced homomorphism of Z7r,(AT)-modules, tt"(J, K) -» tt"(L, K), is split, so tt"(J, K) **> irn+x(L, J) © tt"(L, K). It follows from the results of [10] that if L is homotopy equivalent to a finite complex, then tt"(L, K) is stably free. This quickly implies that there are free f.g. Z7r,(7i)-modules Fx, F2 and an isomorphism Trn(J, K)(BFX®F2~ TTn(J, K)@FX®F2 which takes tt"(J, K) © Fx onto Tr"(L, K) © F2 and which takes F2 onto %+x(L, J) © Fx.…”