We develop a theory of right group-like projections in Hopf algebras linking them with the theory of left coideal subalgebras with two sided counital integrals. Every right grouplike projection is associated with a left coideal subalgebra, maximal among the ones containing the given group-like projection as an integral, and we show that that subalgebra is finite dimensional. We observe that in a semisimple Hopf algebra H every left coideal subalgebra has an integral and we prove a 1-1 correspondence between right group-like projections and left coideal subalgebras of H. We provide a number of equivalent conditions for a right group-like projections to be left group-like projection and prove a 1-1 correspondence between semisimple left coideal subalgebras preserved by the squared antipode and two sided group-like projections.We also classify left coideal subalgebras in Taft Hopf algebras H n 2 over a field , showing that the automorphism group splits them into ◮ a class of cardinality | | − 1 of semisimple ones which correspond to right group-like projections which are not two sided; ◮ finitely many semisimple singletons, each corresponding to two sided group-like projection;the number of those singletons for H n 2 is equal to the number of divisors of n; ◮ finitely many singletons, each non-semisimple and admitting no right group-like projection;the number of those singletons for H n 2 is equal to the number of divisors of n;In particular we answer the question of Landstad and Van Daele showing that there do exist right group-like projections which are not left group-like projections.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 46L65 Secondary: 43A05, 46L30, 60B15, 16T05, 16T15.