This paper proves that every finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifold M contains a ubiquitous collection of closed, immersed, quasi-Fuchsian surfaces. These surfaces are ubiquitous in the sense that their preimages in the universal cover separate any pair of disjoint, non-asymptotic geodesic planes. The proof relies in a crucial way on the corresponding theorem of Kahn and Markovic for closed 3-manifolds. As a corollary of this result and a companion statement about surfaces with cusps, we recover Wise's theorem that the fundamental group of M acts freely and cocompactly on a CAT(0) cube complex.Hatcher showed that a compact manifold bounded by a torus has only finitely many embedded boundary slopes [27]. Hass, Rubinstein, and Wang [26] (refined by Zhang [53]) showed that there are only finitely many immersed boundary slopes whose surfaces have bounded Euler characteristic.Baker [4] gave the first example of a hyperbolic manifold with infinitely many immersed boundary slopes, while Baker and Cooper [5] showed that all slopes of even numerator in the figure-eight knot complement are virtual boundary slopes. Oertel [40] found a manifold with one cusp so that all slopes are immersed boundary slopes. Maher [36] gave many families, including all 2-bridge knots, for which every slope is an immersed boundary slope. Subsequently, Baker and Cooper [6, Theorem 9.4] showed that all slopes of one-cusped manifolds are immersed boundary slopes. Przytycki and Wise [42, Proposition 4.6] proved the same result for all slopes of multi-cusped hyperbolic manifolds.The surfaces constructed in those papers are not necessarily quasi-Fuchsian, because they may contain annuli parallel to the boundary. By contrast, Theorem 1.2 produces a ubiquitous collection of QF surfaces realizing every slope as an immersed boundary slope.1.1. Applications to cubulation and virtual problems. Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 have an application to the study of 3-manifold groups acting on CAT(0) cube complexes. We refer the reader to Section 8 for the relevant definitions.Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, combined with results of Bergeron and Wise [9] and Hruska and Wise [30], have the following immediate consequence.Corollary 1.3. Let M be a cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold. Choose a pair of distinct slopes α(V ), β(V ) for every cusp V ⊂ M . Then Γ = π 1 (M ) acts freely and cocompactly on a CAT(0) cube complex X dual to finitely many immersed quasi-Fuchsian surfaces S 1 , . . . , S k . Every surface S i is either closed or has immersed slope α(V ) or β(V ) for one cusp V ⊂ M .Thus M is homotopy equivalent to a compact non-positively curved cube complex X = X/Γ, whose immersed hyperplanes correspond to immersed quasi-Fuchsian surfaces S 1 , . . . , S k . Corollary 1.3 is not new. The statement that π 1 M acts freely and cocompactly on a cube complex X is an important theorem due to Wise [52]. In Wise's work, this result is obtained in the final step of his inductive construction of a virtual quasiconvex hierarchy for π 1 M . The purpose of this inductive construction is to establish ...