An outline is presented of the Extended Scale Relativity (ESR) in C-spaces (Clifford manifolds), where the speed of light and the minimum Planck scale are the two universal invariants. This represents in a sense an extension of the theory developed by L.Nottale long ago. It is shown how all the dimensions of a C-space can be treated on equal footing by implementing the holographic principle associated with a nested family of p-loops of various dimensionalities. This is achieved by using poly-vector valued coordinates in C-spaces that encode in one stroke points, lines, areas, volumes,... In addition, we review the derivation of the minimal-length string uncertainty relations; the logarithmic corrections (valid in any dimension) to the black hole areaentropy relation. We also show how the higher derivative gravity with torsion and the recent results of kappa-deformed Poincare theories of gravity follow naturally from the geometry of C-spaces. In conclusion some comments are made on the cosmological implications of this theory with respect to the cosmological constant problem, the two modes of time, the expansion of the universe, number four as the average dimension of our world and a variable fine structure constant.Since the inception of string theory there have been an incessant strive to find the underlying fundamental physical principle behind string theory, not unlike the principle of equivalence and general covariance in Einstein's general relativity. This principle might well be related to the existence of an invariant minimal length scale (Planck scale) attainable in nature. In this connection it should be said that a deeper understanding of geometry and its relation to algebra has always turned out be very useful for the advancement of physical theories. Without analytical geometry Newton mechanics, and later special relativity, could not have acquired its full power in the description of physical phenomena. Without development of the geometries of curved spaces, general relativity could not have emerged. The role of geometry is nowadays being investigated also within the context of string theory, and especially in the searches for M-theory. The need for suitable generalizations, such as non commutative geometries is being increasingly recognized.It was recognized long time ago [6] that Clifford algebra provided a very useful tool for a description of geometry and physics, containing a lot of room for important generalizations of the current physical theories. Hence it was suggested in [3,5] that every physical quantity is in fact a poly − vector, that is, a Clifford number or a Clifford aggregate. It has turned out that spinors are the members of left or right minimal ideals of Clifford algebra, the fact that provided a framework for a description and a deeper understanding of sypersymmetries, i.e., the transformations relating bosons and fermions.Moreover, it was shown that the well known Fock-Stueckelberg theory of relativistic particle [6] can be embedded in the Clifford algebra of spacetime [3]. Man...