The ever rising demand for energy all over the world, following the dwindling of the fossil fuel resources and adverse effects on the climate change, has compelled the need to save energy and lower the cost of energy utilization in the wireless computing, communication and networking applications. One of the best ways to obtain energy-efficient communication and networking is to invest in the renewable energy sources to charge batteries for communication devices and to develop smart energy consumption monitoring tools. As a result, this paper presents an energy monitoring software tool hereby referred to as the 'eCOMBAT' which is aimed at getting real-time information on the quantity of energy consumed by the communication and networking device. The knowledge of such data on time may enable the device user to reduce energy consumption thereby lowering the CO 2 emissions into the environment. This paper proposes an integrated battery's discharge and device's energy consumption model; the description of the developed tool and experimental results of the tool obtained via a user friendly and well designed graphic user interface (GUI).