with each and everyone trying to transport their data encryption. Steganography then took over the power, by hiding through the public data networks, today's data communication the message in a cover object may be video, Audio and Image [ infrastructure has become more generic that there is absolutely 3], keeping the message indestructibly safe from malicious no discrimination between different types of data in the hackers, from eyeing into the message. The cover in which the 'transport' plane of communication. This generic nature or the message is hidden can either be a text, image, audio or video lack of customization leads to the easy sniffing of data by file. Though hidden, the data and cover in the stego image is unautho�ized entities. This sniffi .ng may not . �ave significant copper-bottomed. impacts m case of casual data, whIch has no crItIcal value. But, .. . in case of the classified data, which has a critical value, this Steganography could be broadly classIfied mto spatIal [2-sniffing is a significant threat. Thus, it becomes the responsibility 16] and transform domain [17,18] methods. Another of the parties involved in secret communication to arrange for the classification based on the methodology [6] has been applied necessary security, preventing the sniffing by rogue on the chosen cover is substitution [2-16], Transform[ 17,18], entities. Steganography has become a feasible and efficient Spread spectrum[19,20,21], Statistical, Distortion and cover alternative to Cryptography because, Steganography generation based methods. The other classification in camouflages the existence of a security mechanism to protect the information hiding is watermarking [6] and its objective is data, making it less inquisitive for the rogue parties. In the robustness i.e., withstanding ability to intentional modification. propose� method, a key-I�ss, efficient �nd co�ve�ient method of Gutub et at [9] proposed pixel indicator based random image embeddmg a secret data mto a colour Image IS dIscussed, where steganography they have considered last 2 LSB of any one the security is completely reliant on the obscuring procedure channel act as ' an indicator channel and other two act as data involved, thereby making the need for a key set hI d ·· . T bl I unnecessary. The method increases the cryptic effect of the data c anne an IS gIVen mae .concealment, making it difficult for any attacker to extract the data. This method is also compared with existing results and TABLE 1. SELECTIVE INJECTION PROCESS found to be good in imperceptibility and capacity.