This study reports an improved spectrophotometric method for studying bacterial (Pseudomonas fluorescens UPER-1) transport and attachment in saturated porous media (silica sand). While studying the effect of ionic strength by the traditional packed-column spectrophotometric method, we encountered an artifact. The absorbance of a well-stirred bacterial suspension was found to decrease with time in the presence of high concentrations of sodium and potassium phosphate salts (>10 ؊2 M) as the cells continued to age in a resting stage. Our results show that collision efficiency and a bed ripening index will be in error by as much as 20% if breakthrough is measured by the traditional spectrophotometric technique. We present an improved experimental technique that will minimize the artifact and should substantially advance the understanding of bacteria transport in porous media.Bacterial transport through saturated porous media has received increased attention in the past decade, spurred by the need to understand and engineer subsurface bioremediation. In particular, bioaugmentation involves injecting specific strains of bacteria into the subsurface. The success of this approach requires that the bacteria be transported to the zone of contamination and attach to the solid matrix in a controlled fashion. Prior information about the effect of geochemistry on bacterial transport and attachment is therefore very important.Using the terminology from the filtration of inorganic colloids in porous media, bacterial transport may be characterized by two parameters, collector efficiency () and collision efficiency (␣). Collector efficiency is defined as the fraction of approaching colloids which strike a collector and collision efficiency is defined as the fraction of colliding particles which are successful in attaching to the collector. Using the packedbed technique (4), bacteria can be passed through a porous medium packed column and the effluent concentration (C/C o as defined below) can be monitored with respect to time. Accurate measurements of these data (breakthrough data) are essential to correctly obtain the values of collision efficiency as seen from the following equation for a deep-bed filter (4):In equation 1, a c is the radius of a collector (meters), is the bed porosity, L is the bed length (meters), and C and C o are effluent and influent concentrations of cells (cells per milliliter), respectively. Thus, errors in the breakthrough data (C/C o ) will have a logarithmic effect on the calculated values of ␣.Examples of experimental techniques to study the deposition of cells and other colloids in porous media are (i) packedbed technique (3,4,5,7,9,18), (ii) stagnation point flow technique (4), (iii) rotating disk system (17), and (iv) parallelplate channel technique (4); however, the packed-bed technique has been the most widely used. The influence of various physical and chemical factors on microbial transport through packed-bed porous media was studied by Fontes et al. (5). Bacteria were found to be retained mor...