We compute the chiral critical exponents for the chiral transition in frustrated two-and threecomponent spin systems with noncollinear order, such as stacked triangular antiferromagnets (STA). For this purpose, we calculate and analyze the six-loop field-theoretical expansion of the renormalization-group function associated with the chiral operator. The results are in satisfactory agreement with those obtained in the recent experiment on the XY STA CsMnBr3 reported by V. P. Plakhty et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3942 (2000), providing further support for the continuous nature of the chiral transition.PACS Numbers: 05.10. Cc, 05.70.Fh, 75.10.Hk, 64.60.Fr, The critical behavior of frustrated spin systems with noncollinear order is still a controversial issue, fieldtheoretical (FT) methods, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, and experiments providing contradictory results in many cases. At present there is no agreement on the nature of the phase transition, and in particular on the existence of a new chiral universality class [1]. See, e.g., the recent works [2][3][4] and Refs. [5][6][7] for reviews.In magnets noncollinear order is due to frustration that may arise either because of the special geometry of the lattice, or from the competition of different kinds of interactions. Typical examples of systems of the first type are two-and three-component antiferromagnets on stacked triangular lattices [8]. Their behavior at the chiral transition may be modeled by a short-ranged Hamiltonian for N -component spin variables S a , defined on a stacked triangular lattice aswhere J < 0, the first sum is over nearest-neighbor pairs within triangular layers, and the second one is over orthogonal interlayer nearest neighbors. Frustration due to the competition of interactions is realized in helimagnets.In these models frustration is partially released by mutual spin canting and the degeneracy of the ground state is limited to global O(N ) spin rotations and reflections. At criticality one expects a breakdown of the symmetry from O(N ) in the high-temperature phase to O(N − 2) in the low-temperature phase, implying a matrix-like order parameter. In particular, the ground state of the XY systems shows the 120 o structure of Fig. 1, and it is Z 2 chirally degenerate according to whether the noncollinear spin configuration is right-or left-handed. The chiral degrees of freedom are related to the local quantity [1]where the summation runs over the three bonds of the given triangle. The definition of C ab can be straightforwardly generalized to the case of N -component spins. In a recent Letter [3] the issue has been studied by a continuous renormalization-group (RG) approach (see also Refs. [16,17]). The results favor a first-order transition, since no evidence of stable fixed points is found. According to this first-order transition picture, the apparent continuous critical phenomena observed in experiments are interpreted as first-order transitions, weak enough to effectively appear as second-order ones. Note however that the practical i...