1IntroductionParkinsonsd isease is ac hronic neurodegenerative disease that occurs whent he substantia nigra of the midbrain dies and fails to generate enough dopamine [ 1]. This condition causes tremors,m uscle stiffness or rigidity, slowness of movement and poor balance [2].L evodopa, is one of the catecholamine and ak ind of the essential precursors for the biosynthesis of dopamine.L evodopa can be principally metabolized by an enzymatic reaction (dopa-descarboxilase) to dopamine compensating for the deficiency of dopamine in the brain [3].I ntroductiono f levodopa in the 1960s revolutionized the treatment of Parkinsonsd isease [4].D opamine cannot be administered directly because it cannot penetrate the bloodÀ brain barrier,b ut since levodopa is able to cross the blood-brain barrier,i ti su sed to increase dopamine levels [5][6][7].Ty rosine is an important amino acid that extensively exists in human body [8,9].I nt he human body,t yrosine is ap recursor of several neurotransmitters including levodpa, norepinephrine and epinephrine [10,11] and levodopa is synthesized from tyrosine by tyrosineh ydroxylase [12].T herefore,t ok now the treatment and studyo ft he mechanism of Parkinson'sd isease simultaneous determination of levodopaa nd tyrosine in human plasma can be of analytical interest [13].V arious analyticalt echniques for simultaneous determination of levodopa, tyrosine and related compounds in different biological matrices,i ncludingp lasma and urine have been reported in literature such as high-performancel iquid chromatography [14], spectrophotometry [15],c hemiluminiscence [16],capillary electrophoresis [17] and NMR detection [18].T hese methods are time consuming and/ore xpensive and often need the pretreatment step.A lso,s ome of them suffer froml ow sensitivity and selectivity in the corresponding determinations [19],b ut electrochemical methods present distinctive advantages, such as quick response,l ow detection limit, low cost, simple operation and the absence of pretreatment [20].Thes creen-printede lectrodes (SPEs) have been designed especially for miniaturization of electrochemical analytical systems [21,22].S PEs are highly-versatile,e asy to use,cost-effective analytical tools,also suitable to miniaturization [23,24].F urthermore,ascreen printed electrode avoids the cleaning process,u nlike conventional electrodes such as ag lassy carbon electrode( GCE) [25].Abstract:D eterminationo fl evodopa and tyrosine as two important species for treatme...