During Long Shutdown 2 (LS2) at CERN, the new Linac4 (L4) accelerator was connected to the PS Booster (PSB) to inject 160 MeV H− beam into the 4 superposed PSB rings. In order to achieve this, a completely new H− charge-exchange injection chicane system, with 200 µg/cm2 carbon stripping foil units, to convert the negative hydrogen ions into protons, by stripping off the electrons, has been installed. Beam commissioning of this system started in December 2020 and different types of foils have been used for this purpose. In parallel, stripping efficiency measurements, of different foil types, continued to take place with the stripping foil test stand in the L4 Transfer Line. This paper briefly recalls the final design, and installation of, the main components in the PSB injection region, before reporting on the important results obtained during measurements and commissioning with beam.