The Czech sci en tific ex pe di tion to north ern James Ross Is land, Antarctica has tested the use of cal car e ous nannofossils as a pos si ble tool for strati graphic cor re la tion of Cre ta ceous and Neo gene strata. Only a few sam ples with poor nannofossil con tent gave use ful in for mation for biostratigraphy. The Lower Campanian Chiastozygus garrisonii Zone and Gephyrobiscutum diabolum Subzone, re spec tively, was es tab lished in the lower part of the Santa Marta For ma tion, Lachman Crags Mem ber, from the com mon oc cur rence of Gephyrobiscutum diabolum as so ci ated with Broinsonia parca parca and Acuturris scotus. De pos its of the Late Mio cene Men del For mation yielded ex clu sively re worked nannofossils from the older Up per Cre ta ceous de pos its. Nannofossils in di cate at least two dis tinct strati graphic lev els: Mid dle Coniacian and Santonian-basal Campanian, and these must have been sourced from the im me di ate area. The ma jor ity of the ma rine de posit sam ples stud ied were bar ren of nannofossils, prob a bly due to late diagenetic sec ond ary decalcification.
Lilian Švábenická and Radek