Electric quadrupole (E2) matrix elements provide a measure of nuclear deformation and related collective structure. Ground-state quadrupole moments in particular are known to high precision in many p-shell nuclei. While the experimental electric quadrupole moment only measures the proton distribution, both proton and neutron quadrupole moments are needed to probe protonneutron asymmetry in the nuclear deformation. We seek insight into the relation between these moments through the ab initio no-core configuration interaction (NCCI), or no-core shell model (NCSM), approach. Converged ab initio calculations for quadrupole moments are particularly challenging, due to sensitivity to long-range behavior of the wave functions. We therefore study more robustly-converged ratios of quadrupole moments: across mirror nuclides, or of proton and neutron quadrupole moments within the same nuclide. In calculations for mirror pairs in the p-shell, we explore how well the predictions for mirror quadrupole moments agree with experiment and how well isospin (mirror) symmetry holds for quadrupole moments across a mirror pair. The comparison with experiment confirms the predictive power of the ab initio description, indicating that the predicted ratios are physically relevant for understanding proton-neutron structure as well.