“…ArgoNeuT [122], MicroBooNE [123,124,125,115,126,86], ICARUS [127,128,129], ProtoDUNE Test of calibration techniques and detector model (e.g., electron lifetime, Michel electrons, 39 Ar beta decays) ProtoDUNE, LArIAT [19], CAP-TAIN [130] Test of particle response models and fluid flow models LArTPC test stands [131,132,133,88] other necessary calibrations, such as measurements of wire-to-wire response variations and diffusion measurements using the signal shapes associated with the beta decays. The 39 Ar beta decay rate in commercially-provided argon is about 1 Bq • kg −1 , so O(50k) 39 Ar beta decays are expected in a single 5 ms event readout in an entire 10 kt detector module.…”