“…In addition, the decay modes B → DKπ have provided rich opportunities to investigate the spectroscopy of excited charm mesons and the significant components originated from Kπ system, corresponding results have been acquired from Dalitz plot analyses of B 0 → D ( * )± K 0 π ∓ [9], B 0 s → D0 K − π + [10,11], B − → D + K − π − [12] and B + → D + K + π − [13] decays. In the amplitude analyses of B → DKπ decays, contributions from the P -wave Kπ resonant state K * (892) 1 were found to be the largest proportion in most cases, and the B → DK * decays have been substantially studied in experiment by quasi-two-body approach [14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23].…”