The main aim of the present paper is to show that, if we follow the dialogical insight that reasoning and meaning are constituted during interaction, and we develop this insight in a dialogical framework for Martin-Löf's Constructive Type Theory, a conception of knowledge emerges that has important links with Robert Brandom's (1994 inferential pragmatism. However, there are also some significant differences that are at center of the dialogical approach to meaning. The present paper does not discuss explicitly phenomenology, however, one might see our proposal as setting the basis for a further study linking phenomenology and the dialogical conception of meaningthe development of such a link is part of several ongoing researches.
Shahid Rahman 2 2 Local reasonsRecent developments in dialogical logic show that the Constructive Type Theory approach to meaning is very natural to the game-theoretical approaches in which (standard) metalogical features are explicitly displayed at the object language-level. 3 This vindicates, albeit in quite a 2 In fact, the present paper relies on the main technical and philosophical results of Rahman/McConaugey/ Klev/Clerbout (2018). 3 Such as developed in Rahman/McConaugey/Klev/Clerbout (2018) and also in Clerbout/Rahman (2015). different fashion, Hintikka's plea for the fruitfulness of game-theoretical semantics in the context of epistemic approaches to logic, semantics, and the foundations of mathematics. 4 From the dialogical point of view, the actions-such as choices-that the particle rules associate with the use of logical constants are crucial elements of their full-fledged (local) meaning: if meaning is conceived as constituted during interaction, then all of the actions involved in the constitution of the meaning of an expression should be made explicit; that is, they should all be part of the object-language.This perspective roots itself in Wittgenstein's remark according to which one cannot position oneself outside language in order to determine the meaning of something and how it is linked to syntax; in other words, language is unavoidable: this is his Unhintergehbarkeit der Sprache. According to this perspective of Wittgensteins, language-games are supposed to accomplish the task of studying language from a perspective that acknowledges its internalized feature. This is what underlies the approach to meaning and syntax of the dialogical framework in which all the speech-acts that are relevant for rendering the meaning and the "formation" of an expression are made explicit. In this respect, the metalogical perspective which is so crucial for model-theoretic conceptions of meaning does not provide a way out. It is in such a context that Lorenz writes:Also propositions of the metalanguage require the understanding of propositions, […] and thus cannot in a sensible way have this same understanding as their proper object. The thesis that a property of a propositional sentence must always be internal, therefore amounts to articulating the insight that in propositions about ...