Several indolylquinone analogues of perezone, a natural sesquiterpene quinone, were characterized in this work by theoretical methods. In addition, some physicochemical, toxicological and metabolic properties were predicted using bioinformatics software. The predicted physicochemical properties are in agreement with the solubility and cLogP values, the penetration across the cell membrane, and absorption values, as well as with a possible apoptosis-activated mechanism of cytotoxic action. The toxicological predictions suggest no mutagenic, tumorigenic or reproductive effects of the four target molecules. Complementarily, the results of a performed docking study show high scoring values and hydrogen bonding values in agreement with the cytotoxicity IC50 value ranking, i.e., indolylmenadione > indolylperezone > indolylplumbagine > indolylisoperezone. Consequently, it is possible to suggest an appropriate apoptotic pathway for each compound. Finally, potential metabolic pathways of the molecules were proposed.