2012 International Conference on Smart Grid Technology, Economics and Policies (SG-TEP) 2012
DOI: 10.1109/sg-tep.2012.6642390
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First practical experience with smart low voltage grids

Abstract: Due to the increasing installation of decentralized generation units and the increasing demand of electrical power on distribution level the low voltage grids in Germany are facing different problems, e.g. deviations of the permitted voltage range or local inner overloads of the grid equipment. To overcome these problems a self-sustaining monitoring and control system for low voltage grids has been developed, which monitors the actual power flow situation and controls individual decentralized generation units … Show more

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Cited by 9 publications
(4 citation statements)
References 1 publication
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“…As an economical alternative to the very cost-intensive grid enhancement, smart grid systems represent an innovative solution [2], [3]. Within several research and development projects on smart grid systems, the authors have developed marketable solutions for advanced monitoring and control purposes in distribution networks [4], [5]. Currently the authors are aiming for the development of an integrated and coordinated smart grid system with enhanced operational functions, such as Grid State Forecasting (GSF) as a supportive component [6].…”
Section: Approaches To Cope With the Ongoing Changesmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…As an economical alternative to the very cost-intensive grid enhancement, smart grid systems represent an innovative solution [2], [3]. Within several research and development projects on smart grid systems, the authors have developed marketable solutions for advanced monitoring and control purposes in distribution networks [4], [5]. Currently the authors are aiming for the development of an integrated and coordinated smart grid system with enhanced operational functions, such as Grid State Forecasting (GSF) as a supportive component [6].…”
Section: Approaches To Cope With the Ongoing Changesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…While existing smart grid systems are capable of reacting to an already occurred violation only, the prevision of critical situations ensures a higher power quality in distribution systems with more flexibility concerning the strategical options. [4] The choice of suitable actuators for most efficient and economic control purposes will get more flexibility, since even plants with a higher reaction time can be involvedby manual interventions (DSO) or autarkic operation (automation system). Besides the advantages in active grid operation, future energy markets will benefit from forecasting systems, as soon as they provide information about grid capacities in advance.…”
Section: Motivation For State Forecasting In Smart Gridsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Within most of the existing distribution grids, especially at LV-level but even on MV-level, it is impossible to gather information related to the grid's state, neither for single grid components nor for the whole grid itself. Necessary measurement and surveillance equipment is usually not installed on these voltage levels [4].…”
Section: Lv-grid State Identificationmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In order to make distribution grids as smart as possible and to support the operator, such changes in topology should be recognized automatically. For this reason, an algorithm has been developed to detect the current topology state [4,5]. With respect to the limited number of switching points, all possible switching states are determined in advance.…”
Section: Automatic Recognition Of Grid Topology Changes After Switchimentioning
confidence: 99%