Density-functional with generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation potential has been used to calculate the energetically globalminimum geometries and electronic states of Ni n Al (n ϭ 2-8) neutral clusters. Our calculations predict the existence of a number of previously unknown isomers. All structures may be derived from a substitution of a Ni atom at marginal positions by an Al atom in the Ni nϩ1 cluster. Aluminum atom remains on the surface of the geometrical configurations. Moreover, these species prefer to adopt three-dimensional (3D) spacial forms at the smaller number of nickel atoms compared with the pure Ni nϩ1 (n Ն 3) configuration. Atomization energies per atom for Ni n Al (n ϭ 2-8) have the same trend as the binding energies per atom for Ni n (n ϭ 3-9). The stabilization energies reveal that Ni 5 Al is the relatively most stable in this series. In comparison with the magnetic moment of pure metal nickel (0.6 B ), the average magnetic moment of Ni atom increases in NiOAl clusters except the Ni 3 Al. Moreover, except the case of Ni 5 Al, Ni average magnetic moment decreases when alloyed with Al atoms than that in pure Ni clusters, which originate the effective charge transferring from Al to Ni atoms.