We address a recently communicated conception that spin-orbit interaction and strong electron correlations are important for the metal fuel U-Zr system. Here, we show that (i) relativistic effects only marginally correct the uranium metal equation-of-state and (ii) addition of onsite Coulomb repulsion leads to an unphysical magnetic ground state of the body-centered cubic (γ) phase and a grossly overestimated equilibrium volume.Consequently, LSDA+U is deemed unsuitable for describing the electronic structure of the U-Zr system. e-mail address to the corresponding author: soderlind@llnl.gov Recently, Xiong et al. [1] reported on thermodynamic modeling of the U-Zr system motivated by its potential as a nuclear fuel for fast breeder reactors. This work [1] came on the heels of another report by Landa et al.[2] on the same system, but with very different results for the formation enthalpies and ultimate conclusion on the U-Zr phase diagram. The authors [1] argue that their calculated energetics are significantly more accurate than that by Landa et al. [2], and they further attribute the difference to strong electron correlations and the relativistic spin-orbit interaction.In the present Letter we show that uranium metal, and thus the U-Zr metal nuclear fuel system, possess weakly correlated electrons that are adequately described within density-functional theory in the generalized gradient approximation, and that addition of onsite Coulomb repulsion using the LSDA+U formalism leads to finite magnetization of the γ phase in contradiction to experiments. Furthermore, we show that spin-orbit interaction is quite weak in uranium metal and that its inclusion will not significantly change the chemical bonding and formation enthalpies.In order to illustrate our arguments, we perform comparative electronic-structure (VASP) to the uranium f orbitals, which approximately corrects for their electron self interaction. An effective U eff = U -J is chosen to be 2 eV (J = 0), which appears to be realistic for uranium systems [7]. The spin-orbit interaction is included using the secondvariation method with scalar-relativistic orbitals as basis. This basis includes all eigenstates with energy less than 70 eV. In order to improve the description of the relativistic orbitals, the p 1/2 local orbitals are added to the basis set. For actinide metals, this technique for the spin-orbit coupling equals, with good approximation, that of the complete four-spinor Dirac formalism [8][9][10]. All calculations use a 12×12×12 Monkhorst-Pack k-point grid and a plane-wave cutoff of 23 Ry.In Table 1 we show our calculated equilibrium volumes (V) and bulk moduli (B) obtained with and without spin-orbit coupling (SOC) for bcc (γ) uranium metal using the Wien2K (VASP) codes. (The other component, Zr, is a light metal where relativistic effects are not important). The changes in V and B due to SOC are indeed quite small, consistent with results from previous publications [9,11], and within the scatter of the experimental data. The reason why the...