The present study serves two purposes. First, we evaluate the ability of present time-dependent density functional response theory ͑TDDFRT͒ methods to deal with avoided crossings, i.e., vibronic coupling effects. In the second place, taking the vibronic coupling effects into account enables us, by comparison to the configuration analysis in a recent ab initio study ͓J. Chem. Phys. 115, 6438 ͑2001͔͒, to identify the neglect of double excitations as the prime cause of limited accuracy of these linear response based TDDFRT calculations for specific states. The ''statistical averaging of ͑model͒ orbital potentials ͑SAOP͒'' Kohn-Sham potential is used together with the standard adiabatic local-density approximation ͑ALDA͒ for the exchange-correlation kernel. We use the N 2 molecule as prototype, since the TDDFRT/SAOP calculations have already been shown to be accurate for the vertical excitations, while this molecule has a well-studied, intricate vibronic structure as well as significant double excitation nature in the lowest 1 ⌸ u state at elongated bond lengths. A simple diabatizing scheme is employed to obtain a diabatic potential energy matrix, from which we obtain the absorption spectrum of N 2 including vibronic coupling effects. Considering the six lowest dipole allowed transitions of 1 ⌺ u ϩ and 1 ⌸ u symmetry, we observe a good general agreement and conclude that avoided crossings and vibronic coupling can indeed be treated satisfactorily on the basis of TDDFRT excitation energies. However, there is one state for which the accuracy of TDDFRT/ ALDA clearly breaks down. This is the state for which the ab initio calculations find significant double excitation character. To deal with double excitation character is an important challenge for time-dependent density functional theory.