We study theoretically the charge transport pumped by magnetization dynamics through epitaxial FIF and FNIF magnetic tunnel junctions ͑F, ferromagnet; I, insulator; N, normal metal͒. We predict a small but measurable dc pumping voltage under ferromagnetic resonance conditions for collinear magnetization configurations, which may change sign as a function of barrier parameters. A much larger ac pumping voltage is expected when the magnetizations are at right angles. Quantum size effects are predicted for an FNIF structure as a function of the normal layer thickness. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.180407 PACS number͑s͒: 85.75.Ϫd, 72.25.Ϫb, 73.40.Gk A magnetic tunnel junction ͑MTJ͒ consists of a thin insulating tunnel barrier ͑I͒ that separates two ferromagnetic conducting layers ͑F͒ with variable magnetization direction. 1 With a thin normal metal layer inserted next to the barrier, the MTJ is the only magnetoelectronic structure in which quantum size effects on electron transport have been detected experimentally. 2 More importantly, MTJs based on transition-metal alloys and epitaxial MgO barriers 3,4 are the core elements of the magnetic random-access memory ͑MRAM͒ devices 5 that are operated by the current-induced spin-transfer torque. 6,7 It is known that a moving magnetization of a ferromagnet pumps a spin current into an attached conductor. 8 Spin pumping can be observed indirectly as increased broadening of ferromagnetic resonance ͑FMR͒ spectra. 9 The spin accumulation created by spin pumping can be converted into a voltage signal by an analyzing ferromagnetic contact. 10 This process can be divided into two steps: ͑i͒ the dynamical magnetization pumps out a spin current with zero net charge current, ͑ii͒ the static magnetization ͑of the analyzing layer͒ filters the pumped spin current and gives a charge current. In the presence of spin-flip scattering, the spin-pumping magnet can generate a voltage even in an FN bilayer. 11,12 Spinpumping by a time-dependent bulk magnetization texture such as a moving domain wall is also transformed into an electromotive force. 13 Other experiments on spin-pumping induced voltages have also been reported. 14,15 Here we present a model study of spin-pumping induced voltages ͑charge pumping͒ in MTJs. Since the ferromagnets are separated by tunnel barrier, we cannot use the semiclassical approximations appropriate for metallic structures. 10,11,16,17 Instead, we present a full quantum-mechanical treatment of the currents in the tunnel barrier by scattering theory. The high quality of MgO tunnel junctions and the prominence of quantum oscillations observed in FNIF structures ͑even for alumina barriers͒ provide the motivation to concentrate on ballistic structures in which the transverse Bloch vector is conserved during transport. For a typical MTJ under FMR with cone angle = 5°at frequency f = 20 GHz, we find a dc pumping voltage of ͉V cp ͉ Ӎ20 nV for collinear magnetization configurations or ac voltage with amplitude Ṽ cp Ӎ 0.25 V for perpendicular configurations. The magnetiza...