Magneto-ionics, by which the magnetic properties of a thin layer can be modified through the migration of ions within a liquid or solid electrolyte, is a fast developing research field. This is mainly due to the perspective of energy efficient magnetic devices, in which the magnetization direction is controlled not by a magnetic field or an electrical current, as done in traditional devices, but by an electric field, leading to a considerable reduction of energy consumption. In this work, the interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) of a series of Pt/Co/oxide trilayers covered by a ZrO2 layer, acting as a ionic conductor, was finely tuned by a gate voltage at room temperature. The non-volatility and the time evolution of the effect point at oxygen ion migration across the ZrO2 layer as the driving mechanism. A large variation of the PMA is obtained by modifying the degree of oxidation of the cobalt layer with the flux of oxygen ions: the easy magnetization axis can be switched reversibly from in-plane, with an under-oxidized Co, to in-plane, with an over-oxidized Co, passing through an out-of-plane magnetization with maximum PMA. The switching time between the different magnetic states is limited by the oxygen ion drift velocity through the multilayer structure. This was shown to depend exponentially on the applied bias voltage, and could be varied by over 5 orders of magnitude, from several minutes to a few ms. On the other hand, for a fixed gate-voltage, the oxidation of the cobalt layer decreases exponentially as a function of time. This behavior is in agreement with the theoretical model developed by Cabrera and Mott (1949) to explain the growth of very thin oxides at low temperatures. The possibility to explain the observed effect with a relatively simple theoretical model opens the possibility to engineers materials with optimized properties.